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Two weeks from today (Wednesday) we will leave for China to get our Katie Ann & bring her home!!

Many, many people have asked me, “what can we do to help?”

And my reply is usually, “prayers” or “I don’t know…”

Now I have something…

The orphanage where Katie Ann is in China has a list of specific needs. Would you consider joining us in donating some of these items?

  • Winter clothing up to size 18 months (specifically onesies/pajamas & winter sweaters)
  • Small hand towels
  • Baby bibs
  • Toys that make sound (small enough to fit in a suitcase)
  • Special Bottles for babies with cleft palate and/or lip
  • Nursing pillows

If you are local to Johnson City-contact me to arrange drop off of any items.

If you are a central Indiana resident & would like to contribute-my mom has offered to collect any donations and bring them to us when she comes right before we leave. If you choose this option, you will need to have any items to her by 4/28.

We will have to pack the items in an extra suitcase and thus there will be an extra fee for the bag on one in-China flight of $100.

If you’d like to contribute, but haven’t the time to shop the winter clearance racks and would like to make a financial donation towards the price of the extra luggage airline fee or in order for me to purchase additional donation items from the list for you… You can do so through PayPal.

{link removed. THANK YOU for your donations!}

Thank you for blessing these little ones as they are cared for and wait in hopes of their own forever families.

Thank you for loving us in this way and  for your continued prayers!


It has been on our hearts for some time that we’d like to adopt a child into our family. We actually had begun the process before we found out about my benign tumor last year. I think I started the application in September of 2011. (Almost 2 years ago!) Then we were led through, by God’s grace, the diagnosis, surgical removal & recovery from an acoustic neuroma. A little more than a year after completion of a series of three surgeries, I am fully recovered & we began to whisper around the house about the possibility of adoption again.

After some research & prayer, we decided to apply again, but this time through a different agency. Honestly, the first time the application took a long time to complete & a while to hear about its status. I really thought this would be similar. There are different processes, but we completed our application in 3 days. Then some additional paperwork was needed to confirm my health status due to the surgeries a year ago-again…I thought it would take a few days & miraculously it was completed in a few hours. So today the agency called me & officially approved our application! We are very excited & wanted to share this news with you! What this means is that we qualify to adopt from China & can move onto the next steps of “home study” (a social work lengthy document about our family) & the “dossier” (the formal paperwork that is submitted to the Chinese authorities.) We are thrilled & a little surprised about the swiftness. However, we thought that it would take more time & thus we’d have more time for saving… If The Lord wills it, it will be. This we are certain is true. Please be in prayer for us as we seek his best. I am seriously considering finding a job for the hours when Fritz will be in preschool soon. Please pray that I would find something that is flexible to our family’s needs.

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

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